Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Last Bits of 2023


3.999th  Quarter;
The Update/REMIX;
4th Quarter REDUX!!! 

The Holiday Card.



Monkey Boy AJ



#whatthefuck #oups #why #iwastheproblem

Still not sure how to feel about the whole ordeal. 2J Supply was the dream, the myth, the legend…I was ready to give my next 30…

…..Then on a Friday afternoon I was promoted to “homeowner” [of which they do not deal with].
Like I know I did some schlitz…no one is perfect.

However, most of issues presented were ones I made vocal…and wasn’t coached….



I shook hands, cleared out, moved on.  What else is a man to do?!!!


SO BEGAN THE HUNT!!!!!!!!!!!




Express…had postings…it was up to me to go to their posting and look thru……or call.

Indeed sent me all the links from recruiters and listing matches.
Linked in I got some notifications of viewings and matches



However, in the end, it was my people.

My friend/waitress/#othermother, shared a post from whatever page, about an available warehouse job at… FUCK IT!!! Not even going to name drop.  The place doesn’t deserve the shout out!


Fast forward a month and…..
It didn’t work…

FUCK ‘EM!!!!!


…………………and now all I have is Flea, channeling Donnie; trying to ‘xplain it all...



I’ll be keeping Marco’s for the foreseeable future.

I have credit cards/creditors/other debts to all pay for; and I need to have a savings with a good bank [$$].  And then there’s too much to fix with my car; 2006 Honda Pilot [Lieutenant/LT] and other stuffz/loot I need/want.

And if I can save up an amount I can afford to take off a day/night shift and not worry that it’ll be unpaid.


Aside from that…
Mum’s still fighting the good fight…hoping it’s all follow-through now.
Dad’s dammed near a nurse now…and trying to sneak away to do #shopstuff/#yardthings/#fortheboys.


Sis is keeping on and living her best life.  Her Hubz is keeping their weekends busy with all the tripz….. so jelly!



Still have friends…even though I’m a bad one and don’t check in as often as I should.



…….I accidented “We have KFC bowl at home” the other day……….


only got the 2nd degree from my Doc…..ALMOST 3rd……
…..he didn’t attack……….2nd?




……….Still alive.








Xmas in less than 2 weeks………..

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

2022 In Review/The Long Awaited Xmas Card

 2022: The Review


My Xmas Card




So, there was 2021. [pronounced: twenty, twenty, WON!!!

…THEN!!! 2020 TOO!!!

          After THAT!!!!!
          We’re on Twenty, Twenty, Part 3: The Resurgence!!!

          I fucking hope not!!!!!

          I mean after all the shit, why can’t it be at the very least, an “ok” year.  I’ll hope in one hand and shit in the other, see where I get.

          [Sigh] I just don’t feel like I’m any better off after this year, and with what the end of this year wrought for me and mine; I have little hope for the next one.  There were good moments this year sure, but not much of a good string of things. At least for me.


          My sister said yes to the ring on the 23rd of the year.  I’ll claim that as a nice start.  Four years of dating; I was beginning to wonder if it was every coming.  I suppose, from the picture, the view from Camelback Mountain was fair enough a place.


          Spring break in TX 2022-4-16 to 22-4-24. Aunt was lived in Milam, Cousin Stacy in Houston near Hobby Airport, Cousin Craig and his wife Laney, in College Station.  Got to see Galveston, stayed at Windgate by Wyndham (was nice; had been to one before; as brand I’ll recommend, and I was on the coast) Moody Gardens, shopped The Strand ate at Willie G’s Seafood & Steaks (preem), the coast and shops. Otherwise, chilling w family, I don’t get to see.  Oh, and I’ll make mention to Stacy’s foster dog that was; special.  Hope he’s over his bullshit and can find a home.


          2022-7-13 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Blossom Music Center.  BEST NIGHT IN FAR TO LONG!!! Got to hang with my homeboy at a rock show.  And just any line-up; I’m still wondering who sold their soul to get all the ladies that were on the tour. MISSED NOT GETTING TO SEE THE PRETTY WRECKLESS (THANK GOD!!! Since it was probably 2 hours less, with show and transition time). THE WARNING!!!!!  Literally THE only reason I bought my way in.  And by way in: FUCKING PIT PASSES!!!!!  The Warning is by far one of my all-time favorite bands.  Never knew that three sisters from Monterrey, Mexico could change my life.  I can’t get enough of them.  I watch and rewatch new and old full concert videos, and move to every beat I can.  All it took was hearing “Choke” once…been hooked on their brand of drug since.  Best thing about being in that pit; I can prove it!  I can supply a link to the video of the concert AND point out the back of my head!!!!!  The rest of the line-up was just ICING, on that cake!!!!!!!  Like, MOTHER FUCKING HALESTORM!!!  Have always loved Lzzy’s and Co’s work.  It was all that I never knew I needed. All-time great show!  Lilith Czar (rock goddess) had heard a song or two on the radio, but never really deep dived.  Blossom Music Center is a very nice venue, large covered seating and plenty of lawn space for the REALLY big shows.  I get notifications on their doings, they get some heavy hitters; not that I’m interested in many, or all.




AND THEN I WAS FUCKING 35!!!!!!!!!!  2022:7:19:1700 Eastern.  I call what you want; but I was never late for dinner from the start!!!  Official owner of one snazzy grey suit.  Needed for my sister wedding, or my funeral.  Or maybe, JUST ‘CUZ!!  Actually wouldn’t mind finding a reason to get dressed up for a night out.  As for overall festivities: I DIDN’T DO SHIT!!!!!!!!!!  Aspired to do have a party and do day trip type of things; but didn’t plan far enough back to REALLY make anything happen.  It was nice to just NOT have to work that week and chillax.  Taking the whole week off for my birthday, and having taken spring break, solidified in my mind and for future years; that that’s where I’ll take my vacations.  I now get three weeks per year.  So one for spring break, one for birthday, and the other I use to take three day weekends whenever I need to see the doctor, I have one banked from the start of things [emergency usage].


          2022-10-21 WEDDING DAY!!!!!!!!!!  Mom, Dad, and I can clean-up.  It was so beautiful.  Sis looked stunning. The bridal/groom party: so adorable, the ties and dress match-ups; colors verse designs.  The tie I wore was in match to my Mom’s dress.  It was plum; for us Rose-Art people.  I’m sure Crayola has a two-word name for it…   Ceremony was at Corpus Christi University Parish (beautiful church) with reception at The Renaissance (Downtown Toledo).  The rehearsal dinner was also held at the hotel’s restaurant The Height’s.  Both dinner’s were so good, and very well put together.  Wedding dinner was surf and turf; filet mignon and sea bass.  Can’t say I’ve ever had sea bass before that, outside from getting it as part of sushi.  It was a great night.  Got to see family I haven’t seen since the last wedding; and help my sister’s night that much more special.

          TURKEY DAY!!!!!!!!!

                    Place to go/ new family/ good times.  Legit can’t think of much else to say. 

It was the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          2022-12-15 Dad calls stating Mom is ER. Pneumonia.  One never wants to hear they mum is in the ER!



          2022-12-17 (Late afternoon).  Mom calls me with an update from the hospital, while doing test for things, they found she has leukemia.  Abso-FUCKING-lutely, I did not take that well at all!!!!!!!!!!   That night cost me a dresser!!! Hind sight though, I should have returned the thing from the start.  That dresser was LITERALLY made of saw-dust boards…Ikea could do better.  Mom was released home for Xmas.  There wasn’t anything that could be done over that period in terms of care, as they were awaiting results from tests.  And with it being “The Holidays,” it was best to let her be home to relax and recover from her stay.  We [Sis and I] were able to SEE Mom, but no hugs, as there was a door in the way.  I know the distance is killing Mom; but it’s killing my Dad even more, he’s like me…a hugger.  The past month has been the worst.  NO idea how we’re keeping it together.




…I did get a ham; and the twelve days of it.  Not exactly!!!  Like the term “Twelve Days of Turkey” from Thanksgiving; this was a 10–12-pound ham.  I mean sure, my household is four grown-ass men; but we have our limits.  Did have the breakfast night, and made bean soup from the last of it.  …did I mention the ham was from Costco…..




Mom went back into Toledo Hospital for official round one of chemo treatment on the of 27th (ish) of the month.  A few days later; good news, Mom need a blood transfusion.  This was positive because the average was in need farther into treatment.


          Round one lost.

          Chemo didn’t attack as was originally hoped or viewed… Of course not, Mom has the stupid rare one.  Cancers are rarely beaten on the first bell.

          In the middle of dealing with all of this; the [thing] occurred.  Still trying to wrap my head around it.  Doubt I ever will understand half of what it was intended for.  I could go on a long fuck RANT on my beliefs and view on religion and/or spirituality.  But, this moment, from out of the blue; did stop me.  It spoke to me; enough. 

2023:1:11 One of my co-workers shared a religious/spiritual event that he had had the night before.  I’m still trying to figure out how I should have reacted; and should react SINCE.  (Sigh), After over 14 years of doctrine, one would think I’d believe a certain way.  And I do: (looking up) He’s got cash, (looking down) does that guy: AND HERE I AM WITH THE CHANGE FROM THEY POCKETS!



2023:1:23 Mom got sent home after starting round two of a “special” drug; nothing specifically new, just one that has been approved and hard to come by.  This one is a targeted drug for Her rare leukemia designed to attack what she has.  Still has to go in often for monitoring.


Work shit!!!!!???

          Early fall times.  I sent Alex (branch manager) A Letter of Intent.  It was a bullet list of bitches and gripes I had with the state of the warehouse, and my desire to be its head.  He shared it.  The Chip shared it.  Now I may be ACTUALLY LIABLE!!!  This was a BULLET-LIST!!! NOT A FUCKING ACTUALLY LETTER!!!!! It was just the tribute.... shit!

          Late Fall our new manager (Jared) started.  First, he was on tour at other branches before coming to our shit show. 



Also, late Fall, we got a Nick!  He’s been a good add since he spent three years on the field.  So, if Joe isn’t around, for the technical shit, He usually is.  And he fits the mold, i.e. I want to throw his ass from a fast-moving train.

                    There was a time I was SUPER popular for a week.  Like, every other day, for a week straight I had more than four people asking for me.  It was mostly just ‘cause I had talked to them as first contact, so they knew that I knew what they knew.  It was still weird.


          And then Alex and Tim (salesman) were reported as: No Longer with the Company.  I’ve chatted with them as to things regarding, getting their side.  And that’s all I’ll say about THAT!!!!!  I’m hoping to stay ‘in touch’ with them both as they are really great people and have wisdom(s) I may need.


          We have a new guy starting on the 6th.  Far as I know he’s coming from another supply house.  So, hopefully, he won’t need training past just learning “US.”  I’m excited, more bodies are great for being able to do some of the big projects we have planned.  And then of course he’ll be taking over my seat at the counter so I can be that warehouse junkie, and just work for a living.


          This is the first thing anyone will have seen from me in………. EVER!!!!!

Me and writing have not been as best of friends as we should be.  Not that I’ve not had my muse moments; I’ve just been too damned lazy to act on them.  I’ll think of a new blog but wait to act until the next day; that’s loaded with all the chores and bullshit of being an adult.



          That’s not much of an excuse for not having been writing…


          ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE!!!!!!!!!!


          As for Music as a general topic; this year has been very kind.  All my favorite artist are back on the road and making that new hotness and dropping those awesome videos.  Can’t wait for this coming year; finally looking like all the concerts and festivals are back on and in full swing.  We’ll see what I can actually make it to.  Also; I’m officially up to one-hundred and seventy PLUS songs on the “Theme Song’s” playlist.  I know this sounds like a shit tone; and at about ten hours, you’re fucking right.  But, I can’t part with any of them.  Each one has a very specific place in the list.  I’m working every week, as I play through all or part of them each Friday as way to keep me sane.  Eventually I’ll have them in the best of the best order and I’ll be able to write up a blog of their listing and why they have meaning and sit where they do.


Gaming: I’ll just run down the list
                    Mass Effect Series: NEED to beat 3.  Never played that one before this run.  Made a female Shepard build and have stayed with; not trying to play sided to paragon or renegade. 

          Far Cry 6!!!!!!!!!: Fuck the Demogorgon!!!!!!!!!! IF!!! EVER!!! I can learn to fly on a plane on that game, I’ll finish the last mission!!!!!!!!!  And I DO REALLY want to complete it since there is a “New Game Plus” mode.

          Halo Infinite!!!!!: This one’s hard a fuck!!!!  I can’t get past most of the random hoards, and for sure not a simple Brute Chieftain.  Pisses me off; NEED the multiplayer.

                    Animal Crossing: ………. what game?  I just go a solid 4-6 weeks between playing it.  I mean look at this list.  Also, I’m a bad neighbor.  And the last project is stupid huge and would be THE last one I have.

                    Saint’s Row: Reboot was good.  Had some classic moments that made me miss the older games.  But it was fresh enough to make me want to go back for another run later.

                    Forza Horizon 5: MORE!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait for the next weeks gig.  Did like the Hot Wheel’s DLC from the last game better.  BUT, YES TO THAT SWEET ORANGE TRACK!!!

Wreckfest!!!!!!!!!!!: ALLL!!!! AND MORE!!!  NEEDS A SEQUAL ALREADY!!!!!

                    Cyber Punk 2077!!!!!!!!!!:  Took forever to actually get off the ground and be playable without heavy issues.  but once it did, it’s been good.  The story is heartfelt, and there are so many side characters I wish I could have seen more of.  I’ll have completed 4.5 playthroughs when this run completes!





Friendship and family: I will always doubt how I’m standing up.  Not only to your standards of/for me, but the standards I perceive of me through you and from myself.  I’ll always feel like a bad friend.  I can only hope that all my friends and family know that I’ll do [what/when/where/why/how] ever I can.  All one can do is strive to be better; because I wish every day that I was.


          I’ll end this ranting rave here.

          Love ya’ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          I’ll try to writ more stuffs this coming year





Friday, December 24, 2021

Twenty-Twenty Two Inbound!



(Pronounced “Twenty Twenty TOO!!!!!”)


            WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCKING FUCK!  How, HOW, can this year be over already?!!!!!  I just cannot process this; I’m still trying to process 2020 and the first half of this year.  This year had so much; good and bad.

            The bad: This year absolutely flew by at record speed.  I know it the most clique phrase ever; but I feel it most with this year.  I haven’t done anything.  And I can’t say who or what’s to blame for it, but I know how shitty I fee about it.  Barely hanging with friends, barely going to any fairs or festivals, or even going outside for an hour.  And more people I know got The ‘Vid this year that from when it stated.  My family had it; put my Mom in the hospital for a few days from pneumonia.  Two friends had it, my boss might have had it, my roommate got it and he’s vaxxed, and I know someone that died from it.  And I definitely slipped farther down the hole of “same shit different day.”  OH< AND I HAVE WHITE HAIR IN MY BEARD!

            The good: Family is healthy going into the new year, beat The ‘Vid, I’m hacking my lung up anymore after I was sick.  Mom got a new car after 20 years.  I got to see my aunt who lives in Texas for Thanksgiving.  And speaking of the holiday; Raph and I did the cook hear since it was going to be just him and his Mom.  First ever turkey breast and it was good food.  I got promoted (ish), starting the first I’ll be counter sales and warehouse, I’ll be out of the truck.  Now I’ll be first up whenever we have to split trucks or when Corey is off.  And with the move in job duties, they gave me a whole extra dollar! 

            For next year all I can do is hope it’s a bit better.  I have two weeks off for vacation.  One in April week after Easter, looking to go to Texas and visit my family that near Houston.  The second week is week of my birthday, and I have to idea what I’ll do there.  Going to be the big three-five, so I want to do a few super fun things; I try to party a bit harder every fifth.  Going to try harder to write more and get more followers of it.  Adie from that I have no REAL hopes or dreams, maybe pay off a few debts with my bonus.  Just gonna wing it like I have been I guess, but maybe have a better game plan for doing it after this past year.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Thirty-One to GO!

            HOLY SHIT I MADE IT!  Yet another trip around the sun with 2J Supply; AND I’m only SLIGHTLY more dead than last time, although today did try to kill me.  RUUD SUCKS!!!  Ruud, however, pays my bills (not directly, it’s out top brand).  Ruud, compared to our other two brands (Ducane and Airease) it’s just soo much bigger heavier; and today I got to play with a 17 seer, four ton, 2 stage…just look it up.  Should be in the dictionary under FUCK ME; I was lucky to have a helper at the drop, so it wasn’t THE worst.

            I know…I know…I bitch a lot about work.  It’s not always that bad.  I have great co-workers; it took just a suggestion to Jim about wanting donuts and or a breakfast pizza from Pat’s Donut’s and Cream; the man brought me BOTH!  If you’re ever in Lima, Ohio, look up Pat’s, best donuts I’ve ever had and their maple bacon is great, maybe someday I’ll get their crou-nut [(?) croissant-donut] and make a sammich out of it.  I do have a boss that cares, even if we have to make him sometimes; but I definitely can’t fault him for giving out a $25 Visa card because we slain July for the vampire it was.    We should finally be hiring my replacement soon.  That means I get to move to being back up counter sales/warehouse and not have to break myself delivering.  Neither truck [Ford Transit nor F-350 Econoline (the 16-foot box)] is great for someone with constant lower back pain: ME!  The van Is slightly more comfortable, so if I can fit any number of deliveries in it I will take it; even huge ass 17 seer, 4 ton, 2 stage CUNTdensers…  That’s work I think; two years down, thirty-one till I’m 65 and fuck off.

            Now to other things: HOLY FUCKING SHITBAG CHRIST!!!! THIS [pointing to screen] IS THE FIRST THING I HAVE WRTTEN IN OVER EIGHT MONTHS!!!!! Like what the fuck.  It’s October, that’s TEN, with TWO MONTHS TO GO!!!!  I’m still processing last year and it’s already damn near 2022!  I can see it now, “2020 The Second!”  at the rate of the world, I wouldn’t be surprised.  I know I’ve let myself fallen to complacency even more this year; not sure if it’s from the over-lap of last year, or just shear bad habits. 

            I took a week off work in July.  Went to Dayton for an overnighter; visited the National Museum of the USAF.  Last time I was there I was…[?]…YEA, THAT OLD!!!  It was fun, I mulled about (i.e., no discernible speed to my step) for like flourish hours.  Took enough good pics to send back to Charles, including, but not limited to, THE “Memphis Belle”, that was a really beautiful display of airmanship, and the story of the men spread out around the aircraft with other objects of the period and their story on display.  I had an awesome dinner at Wandering Griffon Brewery, which was around the corner from the hotel I was at.  They had some decent brews and good food; and the girls running the show were fun.  If u want THAT story message me, I’m going to write all that here.

            What else?
            Family had Covid!  Yea, that was an experience, could probably do a whole post on THAT alone.  BUT!  Not going to.  They good(ish).  I’m good!  It’s ok.

            My lappy has 1.5 hinges…good thing I was already in the market.  It was a refurb of a student model (public system by the basics it has), a few years before I even had it.  I paid like $200-ish, so I’m not heartbroken, or mad, I got my monies worth.  I don’t game on PC… other than MAYBE, occasionally, “Minecraft.”  Or use it to stream from “said” service, which it has held up FINE!  So, I just need to figure out what’s on the $300-ish line-up today and go with that.  OH!  This rig was an HP, and that’s what I’m after, or a Toshiba, Samsung, Lenovo; NOTHING ELSE!!!!

            Made the switch, finally, to Xbox Ultimate Game Pass.

            Hating on videogames: “The Outer Worlds” and “Far Cry 6”, and wondering if I should buy “Forza Horizon 5,” or wait until I can buy any DLC, since “FH5” will be available “DAY-ONE” on Xbox Ultimate Game Pass?

            I’ve added SOOOO….. MaNy….. songs to my “Theme Songs.”  I think I’ve gone from 100-ish, to OVER ONE-HUNDRED-FIFTEEN!!!!!  THAT IS…good…..yea…I THINK
            Notes from the past week:

                        Made some white chili
                        Saved Salisbury steak’s

                        Didn’t kill any of the shit whistles that pissed me off on the road

I do have Dashcams on the work trucks

            …I have them for my personal… just been lazy

                        BAD CHOICE!!!!!!!!!





I mean; this is check three of four…and I’m broke ass truck.


Worst wish I ever made: “I wish I was an adult.”


I don’t fucking know anymore….. [“P.M.”] me if you need to………!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

2020 WON!!!!!


            READ THAT AGAIN!!!

            Last year was an absolute shit show!
            THIS YEAR?!!!!!
            Well it had a good start; I got to hang with the broski’s. One of which was on his was to SC the following week.  So, one last fuck mothering hurrah was to bee had…and so it was!  All the laughs, all the drank, and all the other things.  For a new year’s with ZERO expectation; it was all I could have wanted and so much more. 
            Yeah! FINE! I’ll mention an aback to NYE 2020…I had a good time.  But not really talked to her much…if at all… since then.  I FUCK MISS HER!!! We were friends; I miss being able to bullshit about life.  She was one of the VERY few female friends I had that wouldn’t hit me up because “DRAMA!”  We talked about real shit…life shit…adult stuff.  I’ll never know what or why, things never went past “one;” and I don’t want to.  All I’d like is my friend back… that’s even a thing.

            So, 2021?

            Started ok.  Great friends, good laughs, work was work.  Then February came. 

            And now I’ve decided to go for employee of the month!
            I mean this in THE MOST SARCASTIC WAY!!!!!!!!!!
            So to go for a certain specific aside; this month has beaten me the fuck up!  All started with me have the worst boss ever (he let me use the box truck to help my friend move, in Tiffin).  Everything was said and done with the move, I take one step onto his back steps…AND THERE GOES THE RUG!  I crashed against the screen door and crushed down on my right leg.  I definitely sat there for a minute; then had my bros help me up.  I was walkable; but the next week I limped it off.  Came down to I pulled something in the front of my shin.

            Oh, there’s more!  And the rest of this has me in the running for “Employee of the Month.”

            So, after delivering at Glass City H&AC (Alexis Rd near Secor Rd); I’m on an East 45 Degree angle, leaving their lot (Google Maps should show the big trucks, and the curb I was in between).  I was in the van [Ford Transit 250 Cargo Van], all looked clear from my driver mirrors (regular with blind spot lower).  So, I pulled forward and made a wide left; back towards Tremainsville, to cut through to Douglas.
            IT WAS NOT CLEAR AT ALL!
            Right in my door/tire! Curtain bags go; punching my glasses to fuck all!  Anything “loose,” AIN’T NOW BITCH!!!  I start gathering myself; deal with my truck/phone dialing 911.  I see two guys front; all I can do is wave (“Yeah, I’m good.”).  I [knew/figured] one of the was the other driver.  Finally connected with 911; called EMS just ‘cause it was work related (knew that’d be best all around).  Then………. finally got hold of Boss Man…
            BS: “What’s Bud?”

            ASSHOLE: “I wrecked the van.”

            Yea that was definitely, “SCAREY ASS FUNK!!!”  I had no idea what was going to happen.  What hoops I’d have to jump because it was a work vehicle.  What personal repercussions would/(was last week so jury may still be out).  And what it’d mean as a work “thing.”

            I was/am the guinea pig; I was going to be the first to go through ALL THE HOOPS, for an OSHA/2J, workers comp claim, vehicle wreck.  And yes, I jumped a few hoops; not as many as I would have thought.

            As for repercussions, my boss AND co-workers definitely won’t let me live it down for a good six months.  Also, still waiting for management/human resource to file a “non-disciplinary write up;” which I would very much expect, in terms of, “FOR THE RECORD.”
            And then there’s this next stunt, for consideration!!!!!

            For anyone who may not know, the SINGLE best way, to measure a snow drift, IS TO DRIVE UR FORD F-350 16FT BOX TRUCK INTO IT!!!!!!!!!!

            Naw, you’re right!  I FUCKING HIGH CENTERED THAT SHIT!

            THANK THE GODS ABOVE FOR HI-LOWS!!!!!!!!!!

            Our customer was able to help out and secured the use of a Hi-Low; centered up the rear end (GO AHEAD AND LAUGH U CHILD!! [I’m fucking rolling over here!!!!!]), lifted my ass [DEEP SIGH.]  (>__>) and pushed me out to a grade I could run.  Moral of the story; I’m a stupid Monkey!!!

            Ooooo; WAIT!!!  I topped it off by confusing some shit up and quoting out equipment, WRONG, for a several hundred $$ loss.

            Yea, my co-worker’s mix up of 582 vs 281 (he’s a Lima boy) … is of no retort to my fuck-mothered-ness, for the MONTH!!!!!!  I mean. There was a customer that purchases brand A over brand B…and was slated for brand B…I thought it “weird,” yet not out of place…. yea if I questioned it…brand A would have been IT!  FAIL!!

            ASIDE FROM ALL {look up} CUCKHOLD SHIT UP THE ASS!!!!!

            …I think I’m good (>_>)!

            After dropping back on it all and reflecting; F.I.S.H.!!!





            I WILL LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            … Maybe not WELL!
            I’ll live!

            2020/17/2/0900; Monkey Boy

Thursday, September 10, 2020

End of Sumner!!!

            Labor Day has come and gone!  Foremost this is the functioning meaning that SUMMER IS DEAD!!!  Don’t worry; like any other bitch, she’ll back.  Yet, I’m part of the mentality that summer is from Memorial-Labor Day.  Nothing much of “warm weather” fun is really to be had too well outside that window.  Most county fairs, church festivals, and any self-respecting grad party is WELL within this period. More-or-less.

My Labor Day was……….really… just another day.  I had my home boy JThudd over Friday into Sunday. We gamed and watched random this or than nostalgia vid on YouTube; Saturday he wanted to hit a game store, so we went to Replay in Monroe.  Then I decided to go to Ann Arbor; had heard word of more game stores there.  It was a bust; I mean we did hit a local Coney Island for some “goooo’ food,” and walked the mall there [he got some new kicks].

Aside from that, I did FUCKALL!!! 

Hung out, gamed it up, watched some movies, grilled for the house Monday.  I can now, OFFICIALLY, state that I have seen ALL three “Bill and Ted” movies.  I knew I had seen the first, couldn’t remember if I had seen the second, and …well the third just came out so there you have it!  They are ALL CLASICS BTW!!!

Monday I grilled the rack of ribs that Charles got; did them simple: sea salt, black pepper, garlic and onion powder.  Low n’ slow over them sweet char coals…so good.

Aside from all THAT; NOT A FUCKING THING!!!

Summer has been, I’d guess, ‘bout the same as anyone else’s…void of what we needed, ‘cause of some dumbass death note.  FOO!!!!!

I’ve been ok. Nothing I can really state, of avarice, empathy for the win.

Approaching the one-year anniversary at 2J Supply.  Still some what hard to believe.  I mean I gave up what I KNEW would pay the life I was living for…what I wasn’t sure; I mean I knew the wage I NEEDED and I damn well ASKED for it…(sigh).  So glad I said yes.  I’ll definitely delve into ALL THAT has been 2J’s and the change of life and career [FUCK!!! Did I just say THAT?!]

Until the Fourteenth of Octobre, Two-Thousand and Twenty.

This Monkey is OUT!!

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Now 33

Another Time Around the Sun

            Well here I am, another year older.  YES, I DO FUCKING FEEL IT!  Shit sucks… I remember being able to go long nights living off pizza and Dr. Pepper.  Other day I did that, barely made it through Monday, and then subsequently was in bed by 7:30p…didn’t even stop for dinner; mainly I wasn’t too hungry that day.  Oh, and I don’t have enough fingers n’ toes to count how many times my left knee pops on me throughout a given day.  I just pivot, POP, shit hurts when you’re not ready for it.  Oh, and my left elbow is fucked up; fairly sure I strong armed something I shouldn’t have, and it’s just not had the full time to heal back.  Moral of the story, I need a Trip-Eight chassis…I got friends that can do the software.

            I have made “some” progress this year.  As you know I have a day job; finally.  “Day job” meaning that I work 40 per week with weekends off; well 40 when it’s the slow season, rest of the year is 45 minimum.

THAT gets me into the job and “The Man-in-Charge!!!!!”

So, first point; I’ll continue about the overtime.  I asked about if O.T. was a thing in the interview; “No, Not really.”  Well the day starts at 730a, and end at 430p; we get [IF EVER FUCKING ABLE] an hour lunch…do the math there!  TO BOOT!  This past week, he had me and the rook [so there are only five of us in the store: Boss Man; J.O.; T.K.; J.W. (the rookie; as in he’s the newest; but he knows Boss Man from a time before) and THIS MONKEY] come in at SIX FUCKING THIRTY A.M. Thursday and Friday. You know, because J.O. was on vacay.  For the week…by the way…I have 1.5 hours of lunch… FUUUUUUUCK!!!! Friday was…. like….ALL OVERTIME!!!!!  

        To solidify how much of a slave driver The Boss Man is let me lay it out for you.  This bastard, has, ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS, bought us [the crew] lunch.  He has also, given little fight against us needing time off needing to leave early for an appointment or function.  FOR ANOTHER POINT OF NOTE!!!  This past week; as I decide to take a lunch I wasn’t going to because I had some things to get from Costco; The Boss Man hands me the company card, says “here get some [paper] towels. I won’t dock you for lunch.”  WHAT, THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!  

        …OH WAIT, THERE’S MORE!!!!!  I’ve been there for right near eight months now and this guy has the nerve to give me a raise.  I told him: Your bribe has been accepted and approved, however it will in no way be prejudicial to the work ethics that have been solidified over the course of my employment. I.E.: Thanks for the scratch, but I ain’t working any harder.  I mean why should I care if he isn’t going to.  Then there’s just all the heavy lifting and forklifting of stupid ass equipment, awkward ass boxes, and bullshit pallets…#HVACsupplylife #warehousefun #FML.

            Had a party for the birthday. Went as well as I could have hoped for.  Had some good friends over and grilled some dogs and burgers.  Cake was had. Drinks, laughs, chillaxin’.  I also got to see my aunt that lives in Texas, been years since that’s happened.  It was good; cannot complain.

            Only other thing of note is that I have new bed.  Which broke [the box] within the month of having it.  I sat on the end of the bed and SNAP!  It’s fixed, that was something I never thought I’d have to deal with, like ever.  And my dad hooked me up on some metal supports for the frame so that it won’t EVER happen again.

            Welp, (raises drink in air) here’s to thirty-three!